When companies think of DEIAB, wellness and benefits for new families, it's often lead by supporting the challenges of creating or caring for a family; resources, fertility, leave & care.

These are amazing and necessary but the way things are isn't working because current cultures and policies rarely recognize the JOY aspect of family creation - having the baby. Expecting employees would never be expected to announce their infertility struggles to access support, why do we make them announce their new baby for the same?

What I've come to believe is that we are missing an opportunity to acknowledge the fundamental milestone in the pursuit of family friendly culture; that welcoming a baby is the quintessential event that transforms who we are regardless of our gender.

This is important because family dynamics are changing, our identity, values and priorities are not only evolving our intersectionality but also guiding our engagement and choices, which directly impact our relationship with work.

So my idea is to help companies recognize every expecting employee for the JOY part of family, inclusively; without the need for a pregnancy announcement or the objectivity of peers or managers.

A gift of wellness to celebrate having a baby as much as we support trying to have a baby or caring for a baby.

This matters because if employees as parents, especially non-gestational parents, continue to be excluded or invisible from caregiver intersectionality, how are we ever going to pave a new road for women/mothers who want to build careers and raise babies with partners who support them at home?

Family is togetherness; even when each parent works at different companies.

  • Human Experience

    The arrival of a child signifies a crucial neurocognitive development stage, often undervalued. The human experience of parenthood differs from milestones like marriage, homeownership, or years of service. It serves as our first step into caregiving and shapes our identity.

  • Diversity & Inclusion

    By acknowledging caregiving as a mutual obligation between men and women. Embracing a baby through birth, adoption, or surrogacy is a reflection of our intersectionality. It defines who we are, not simply something we do.

  • Health & Wellness

    Cultivate a supportive, inclusive workplace culture that recognizes and values employees who have recently welcomed a baby, enhancing employee retention and ROV. It's value isn't quantified by cost management vs. something else. It's allowing your workplace to show authentically.

  • Woman-Owned, Women Made, Women & Minority Suppliers. Longevity & Sustainability Focus.

Real Parent Experiences

Gay Non-Gestational Parent

We were so excited to start our family but I didn't tell anyone at my work. As a gay non-gestational parent, I wasn't prepared to share more of myself or answer all the questions that would come with it. I removed myself from the family community because being part of it meant disclosing more than I was willing to give.

Solo Adoptee Parent

I was a solo adoptee parent and had been working at the company for over 10 years. My boss, a father himself, was so begrudged with me choosing to take leave. He completely blocked any acknowledgement at work. He was a gate keeper of joy. Sure, I could have made a complaint, but at that point, it wasn't worth the effort. I didn't return

Full gratitude

An employee had called to ask what the protocol for our initiative was before he ordered. He wanted to know whether he had to disclose his family's pregnancy or if we would. I reassured him that we do not share and that was for him to do when her was ready. He was so grateful for the inclusion of his workplace as well as the respect for his privacy.

The Best

Both my babies were celebrated at work. It was such a wonderful experience and they had a mini baby shower for me like my wife had at home. I could have never imagined someone would do that for me. I am still at the company today.

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